Sunday, November 11, 2007

Favorite Video

OK GO is not my favorite band, and neither is their song “Here it goes Again,” but the music video for the song is by far the coolest video I have ever seen. The song has catchy lyrics but the choreography for the video is ingenious. I have no idea how they came up with the idea to shoot their video on treadmills. Not only is the treadmills fun and interesting but the dance routine on them is unbelievable. The choreography is what makes the video so special. Especially, how they thought to set up the treadmills so they can walk across them and look like they are gliding. I really love how they thought to jump from treadmill to treadmill and it looks like they are spinning around. The video is so unique and refreshing from the overproduced videos that are being played now. The story on how the video was created is also very interesting. The band ended up using a camera borrowed from a friend, and the video was produced for fewer than ten dollars, and was apparently released without the knowledge or consent of their label. And they only started out with two treadmills. Not till after the video gained popularity did they upgrade the video a little bit. What makes the video so intriguing is that the band members do not even look like dancers, they look just like normal guys you would see in everyday life. No wonder this video took the internet and you tube by storm. I can understand how this video went from a couple of guys shooting a video in a backyard for fewer than ten dollars and to performing the routine on the MTV music video awards. I am excited to see if they could ever top this video.


ENG 001: Language and Writing said...

Hey Maddie Pfeil!! I have not seen you in so long. But I agree with you I do like this video basically because of the choreography. I mean who would have thought anyone would be able to dance on treadmills like they do or who would have come up with this. It seems like everyone wants to have this really crazy dancing or high budget videos when all it take is some creativity. I remember seeing something about this video, people were saying that their record company did not even know that they were doing this video. Which is probably a good thing because they would have not gotten to do such a unique video and would have made them done a crazy video that took away from their quirky personalities.

ENG 001: language and writing said...

Honestly Maddie, I am so glad that you chose this video! I had never seen it and I'm not going to lie, it is probably my favorite music video of all time! It is so unique and fluid, I completely agree with you on that. They have the amazing ability to shock me! I kept on looking to see if any masks would fall off or an invisible beer belly would fall out from under one of their shirts, but no such luck! I could not believe a bunch of middle aged men created a routine like that! They definately have a lot of time on their hands and I'm so glad they do! I liked how you added a little history into your blog over this, it amazed me even more! Great video and great job!