Sunday, October 14, 2007

Baby Food Bandits

Two Wal-marts, one in Lincoln and one in Fairbury, have been robbed by baby food crooks. Police are not sure if there is a connection between the two but both have very similar cases. A young couple in their early twenty’s walked into Walmart and took storage containers and filled them with more than a hundred containers of baby food while two other people acted as lookouts for them. The more recent case happened Friday at around noon in Fairbury. Officer David Schmehl estimated at least 1,000 dollars was lost from the burglary in Fairbury. A very similar incident happened the day before on Thursday on the 87th street and Andermatt Drive Wal-mart here in Lincoln. The total loss from that case was estimated at around 1,531 dollars. At reading this I first wanted to laugh. Over a thousand dollars worth of baby food was stolen not once but twice. That is a lot of baby food. I could not think of any reason someone would want to steal so much baby food. And how did they get away with all this baby food? Wouldn’t someone of noticed that they were stealing all the baby food in the aisle. Pondering this a little farther I started to realize that perhaps someone truly needed to feed their children. The minimum wage is not enough to support a single mother and her children and tons of people go hungry right here in Nebraska every day. While I do not support stealing, I do not condone someone trying to provide food for their children. I once heard that if people used the money they spent on food for their pets to feed the hungry there would be no world hunger. People today need to realize how lucky they are because they are guaranteed that there will be food to eat tomorrow and have a warm place to sleep.